Wednesday 10 August 2011

Best Android Phone Hacks !!

To hack a phone makes us realize our power and influence, also it gives us accomplishment enhancement due to the features added to it. We all know the massive distinction of possessing a phone which allow us to make calls against the allowing download application for absolute control and having the capability to make our own laws. Just imagine “Matrix” against “I, Robot”.

The hacking into anybody’s phone initially started with process by iPhones named “jail breaking”. Androids also carry a related process mostly referred to as ‘rooting’. To many it may sound perilous and not according to value the danger, but if it is done fruitfully one can set up new attributes which were personalized by the hacker mass, you can expand your handset pace and just experience of being you’re your own self united world.

Check out the 5 android phone hacks that you could carry out:

1. Alter your Desktop system Interface
It’s time to give a face-lift to your phone. It’s been long since Android is considered one of the most adjustable phone on the souk, and the reason behind is its flexibility or resourcefulness due to the gigantic number of customizations that you can follow. For instance, if you want to customize your desktop and alter how your phone does appears and senses, then there are lot of applications that can assist you with it. Mentioned are the few popular amongst many LauncherPro, Home ++ and GDE and with the same you can install personalized icons, wallpaper and widgets.  You can look for all and many more applications on Android Market.

2. Install functioning improving characteristics
There are many people who are still not aware about the fact that un-hacked phones performs on limited capacity. To enhance your phone’s performance you can rev your engine by updating a ROM named CyanogenMod.  It generally enhances the capability of your android, and it is free, community built set of phone replica-dependant ROMs.
 Once you install CyanogenMod on your system, it automatically improves the functioning and speedof all other things.

3. Run Android on your iPhone
Now you can also run android on your iPhone, and many people are have started coining it with a new name as ‘iphodroid’ which almost sound like some of our Hollywood celebrities couples name as Brangeliana and many more.
On running android on your iPhone you can combine both the features which you have always desired. While looking at the other side of the coin, there are some drawbacks attached to it, once its been hack is been done you have to implement power-management functions else your charge iPhone will only for about 60 minutes before the battery is exhausted.

4. Entirely Controllable Media Centre
With android on your phone, you no longer have to wait for listening your favorite song. With G Mote application installed, your Android phone will act as media remote for your system.
With Wi-Fi flowing the application in your system, you can access your absolute media collection. It means this way you can have a convenient and entirely performance media system which allows all your music files and videos.

5. Don’t turn your phone off just to save Battery 
Now, you can have of saving your battery for your emergencies, isn’t great? A clever hacker has constructed this with allows the same. Usually, the hacking community call by a name with “night vision” hack, this allow you to use red pixels which will help to reduce the battery power by 35%. For “night vision”, you have to break up the color channel pixel elements. However, it will take your eyes a small time to adjust to getting use to it but this can serve as a great hack to have handy in times of an emergency.

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